Indian Airforce Agniveers Agnipath Syllabus and Model Question Paper 2022
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Indian Air Force Has Uploaded The Syllabus and Model Question Paper For the Recruitment Post Of Agniveer Under Agneepath Scheme 2022. Those Who Are Preparing For Following Recruitment Of Indian Air Force Can Read Syllabus and Model Question Paper for better Preparation. Guru Gyan Provides You the Official Information and Direct Download Link Released by the Indian Airforce.
Indian Air Force |
Agnipath Agniveer Scheme Recruitment Syllabus 2022
English | Mathematics |
Syllabus | Syllabus |
Model Question Paper | Model Question Paper |
Physics | Raga |
Syllabus | Syllabus |
Model Question Paper | Model Question Paper |
Nationality Should be either Indian or a Nepalese Citizen.
Age Criteria
1. If you are a Civilian, you should be born between - 29 Dec 1999 to 29 Jun 2005 (both days inclusive).
2. If you are a serving NC(E) of IAF, then DOB block is as
mentioned below:-
(a) Married NCs(E) - 29 Dec 1993
to 29 Dec 2000 (both dates inclusive)
(b) Unmarried
NCs(E) - 29 Dec 1993 to 29 Jun 2005(both dates inclusive)
Education Criteria
Eligibility for Civilian Candidates
(a) Science Subjects :-
- Should have passed Class 10+2/ Intermediate/Equivalent exam from an education board / Institute listed in Council of Boards for School Education (COBSE) website as members, with Physics/ Maths /English as mandatory subjects with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English as per the mark sheet of Class 10 + 2 / Intermediate /Equivalent exam.
- Should have completed 03 years diploma course in Engineering in any one of the prescribed stream from a Government recognised Polytechnic Institute with 50% marks in aggregate as per Diploma final year mark sheet and 50% marks in English in Diploma or in Intermediate/Matriculation mark sheet, if English is not a subject in Diploma course.
- Should have passed 02 years vocational course with non-vocational subject viz. Physics and Maths from State Education Boards / Councils which are listed in COBSE with 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English in Vocational Course (or in Intermediate / Matriculation, if English is not a subject in Vocational Course).
(b) Other than Science Subjects:-
- Should have passed Class 10 + 2/ Intermediate/Equivalent exam in any stream from an education board / Institute listed in Council of Boards for School Education (COBSE) website as members, in any stream/subjects with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English as per the mark sheet of Class 10 + 2 / Intermediate/ Equivalent exam.
- Passed two years vocational course from Educational Boards listed as COBSE member with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English in Vocational Course or in Intermediate/Matriculation if English is not a subject in Vocational Course.
Eligibility for Serving NCs(E)
(a) Science Subjects :-
- Should have been declared as passed in Class 10 + 2/Intermediate/Equivalent exam from an education board / Institute listed in Council of Boards for School Education (COBSE)website as members, with Physics / Maths / English subjects as per the mark sheet of Class 10 + 2 / Intermediate / Equivalent exam.
- Should have completed 03 years diploma course in Engineering in any one of the prescribed stream from a Government recognised Polytechnic Institute with pass marks in English as a subject in Diploma or in Intermediate / Matriculation, if English is not a subject in Diploma Course.
- Should have passed 02 years vocational course with non-vocational subject viz. Physics and Maths from State Education Boards / Councils which are listed in COBSE with pass marks in English in vocational course (or in Intermediate / Matriculation, if English is not a subject in Vocational Course)
(b) Other than Science Subjects:-
- Should have passed Class 10 + 2/ Intermediate/Equivalent exam in any stream from an education board / Institute listed in Council of Boards for School Education (COBSE) website as members, in any stream/subjects with English as a mandatory subject as per the mark sheet of Class 10 + 2 / Intermediate/ Equivalent exam.
- Passed two years vocational course affiliated/recognised by CBSE/State Education Boards/Councils duly recognized at par with 10+2 by AIU pass marks in English in vocational course or in Intermediate/Matriculation if English is not a subject in Vocational Course.
Education Boards listed in Council of
Boards for School Education (COBSE) website as members, as on date
of registration will only be permitted.
Exact aggregate Percentage of marks before
decimal as written in the marks sheet of
10+2/Intermediate/Equivalent Examination/Three years Diploma
Course/Two years Vocational Course OR calculated as per the rules
of concerned Education Board/Polytechnic Institute will only be
considered (For example 49.99% should be taken as 49% and not be
rounded off to 50%).
Candidate must possess his unique valid
e-mail ID and mobile number for filling of online application. All
communication with candidate will be done on his registered e-mail
ID only
To get selected as an Agniveervayu, the candidate must be physically and mentally fit to perform duties in any part of the world, climate and terrain. Physical/ medical standards to become an Agniveervayu are as follows:
Parameters | Description |
Height | Minimum acceptable height is 152.5 cms |
Weight | Weight should be proportionate to height and age |
Chest | Minimum range of expansion: 5 cms |
Hearing | Should have normal hearing i.e. able to hear forced whisper from a distance of 6 meters by each ear separately. |
Vison | (a) Visual Standards as applicable for IAF (b) Corneal surgery (PRK/LASIK) is not acceptable. |
Dental | Should have healthy gums, good set of teeth and minimum 14 dental points. |
General Health | Candidate should be of normal anatomy without loss of any appendages. He should be free from any active or latent, acute or chronic, medical or surgical disability or communicable diseases, infection and skin ailments. Candidate shall be physically and mentally FIT to perform duty in any part of the world, in any climate and terrain. |
Body Tattoo | Permanent body tattoo are not permitted, however tattoos only on inner face of the fore arms (inside of elbow to the wrist), back (dorsal) part of the hand/ reverse side of the palm and Tribals with tattoo which are as per the custom traditions of their tribes may be considered. However, right to decide on acceptability/ unacceptability of the individual rests with the Selection Centre. Candidates with permanent body tattoos are o submit two photographs (close up and distinct view) with details of size and type of the tattoo |
Click here to download Physical / Medical Standards
Agniveervayu Visual standards as applicable for IAFNote:
- Candidates should bring latest prescription and spectacle for corrected vision, if used. The prescription must bear the signature, stamp and registration number of eye specialist. Prescription should not be more than one month old.
- Corneal surgery (PRK/LASIK) is not acceptable.
Click here to download Visual Standards
- Medical examination shall be conducted by Air Force
Medical Team as per IAF medical standards and policy in vogue on
subject issue. Medical examination would also include Baseline
Investigation of:-
- Blood Haemogram - Hb, TLC, DLC
- Urine RE/ME
- Biochemistry:-
- Blood Sugar Fasting & PP
- Serum Cholesterol
- Urea, Uric acid, Creatinine
- LFT—Serum Bilirubin, SGOT, SGPT.
- X- Ray chest (PA view)
- ECG (R)
- Tests for Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substance Abuse.
- Any other test necessary in the opinion of the Medical Officer.
- Candidates declared medically unfit can avail the option for ‘Appeal Medical Board’ (AMB) against their unfitness by depositing Rs. 40/- in a Government Treasury/RBI/SBI through Electronic Military Receivable Order/ Military Receivable Order (e MRO/ MRO)
- The application for AMB along with original copy of e-MRO/ MRO, photocopy of Unfitness Certificate are to be submitted to the representative of ASC within three working days of medical examination.
- The recruitment medical officer and the specialist doctors of Armed Forces are the final authorities on declaring a candidate fit or unfit during initial medical examination, appeal medical board and medical examination prior to enrolment.
- The candidates shall be governed by Armed Forces standards which may be a variance from civil standards. There is no provision for representation or review after the appeal medical board.
Click here to download Medical Examination